I have lived in the San Bernardino, Grand Terrace areas all my life. I was a Boy Scout, with the rank of Life Scout, that’s just short of Eagle Scout. I worked in a small machine shop beginning in Junior High, (Middle School) through high school. After I graduated High School, I quit so I could experience life or what I thought was life, or to just find myself. I bummed around mostly at the beach, and when not there, racing my car, (hotrod) or hanging around hotrod garages watching how they build hotrods. My parents gave me some encouragement to get a job or go into the military, I wanted to go to the military, but before I could, I met the girl that was to become my wife, and let’s just say the rest is history.
My career started as a machine operator. I found a shop that was hiring. I had not seen machines like these before. The machines were Swiss Automatic Lathes. I was taught how to run the machines and had to make sure the quality was good. I worked in this shop for nine years. When it closed I was able to find another shop that was just starting up. With my experience, I was hired as the foreman. This is the shop I worked for the next 19 years, I was the shop supervisor, responsible for scheduling the work for machines, making sure orders were completed on time, and flowed from the shop through quality control, and then through to packing and out the door. I also was engineering the work and tooling for each order. (The products were mostly sub-miniature small computer contacts etc., for aero-space companies).
I attended night classes for, auto engine building, basic engineering and blueprint reading, and business management at Valley College in San Bernardino. In 1990, I studied at Valley College to get my Real Estate License. My goal was to help people find their dream home, like I did. I wanted to be a better agent than the ones I had delt with. Over the years I have listed and sold many homes, including some property management, and sold some commercial properties. I have about 15 years doing what is called BPO’s, (That is Broker Price Opinions) I do these for several different financial companies, it is an evaluation of the homes that they have mortgages with. It is an honest opinion of what a home will sell for in the market at the present time. It gives me a day-to-day look at what the market is doing at the present time.
My hobbies are working on my classic 1955 Chevy 2 Door, gardening, metal and wood working.